AGA Youth Programs
AGA Junior Membership
Junior Membership in the AGA is $20 and remains in effect until the Junior member’s 21st birthday. At that time a lifetime membership may be purchased at the reduced rate of $75. Junior Members receive the same registration discounts as adult members. Junior membership is required for most youth contests and is also a requirement to lead an animal in a National Junior Guernsey Show.
Junior Membership Application
AGA Youth Lease Program
The AGA Youth Lease Program was started to encourage participation in the National Junior Shows by youth who do not have the opportunity to purchase a project calf. It allows the owner to exhibit the animal in open classes and to be listed as the breeder of resulting calves when these animals are bred as yearlings.
While this lease is accepted by all four National Shows, you must check with your local and state show managements prior to a show to find out if they will accept this agreement. Lease form updated January 2018
Download a Copy of the Lease Agreement
NEW: American Guernsey Association Ambassador Program
The American Guernsey Association is excited to announce a new Ambassador Program to begin in September 2024. Applications for the first cycle are due July 1, 2024. Applications should be sent with a resume and letter of recommendation to Responsibilities include promoting the breed, attending events, and more. Read through the application for details!
AGA Ambassador Program Application & Details
National Junior Guernsey Shows
Four National Junior Shows (NJS) are held each year. They are held in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; Lynden, Washington (formerly Puyallup); Madison, Wisconsin and Louisville, Kentucky. The NJS-Louisville and NJS-Harrisburg are held on a separate day and with a different judge than the open show. The other two shows are judged together with the open classes.
The following guidelines apply to the National Junior Shows:
– Open to any AGA Junior Member who has not reached their 21st birthday by January 1st of the current year and are over the age of eight on that date. (Madison requires leadspersons to be at least nine years of age on the first day of Expo)
– The animal must be registered alone in the junior’s name or must be recorded under an AGA lease agreement. More than one junior may be listed as the owner of an animal, however, no adults or farm names may be listed.
– The animal must have been transferred or registered, or the lease recorded, by August 1 of the year shown.
– Each Junior exhibitor is limited to a maximum of two entries per class.
– Each exhibitor is required to wear an official NJS shirt, provided or sanctioned by the AGA, while exhibiting.
– The listed owner of the animal must lead the animal. If the owner is not present, an AGA Junior Member the same age or younger may lead the animal. A substitute leadsperson may only be used at a single show per year for each animal. No person older than the owner, other than show management, may lead the animal in the ring at any time. Substitute leadspersons are not permitted for leased cattle. Injury or multiple animals in the ring at the same time are the only valid reasons to use a substitute leadsperson if the junior owner is present at the show. An AGA approved substitute leadsperson form must be filled out prior to each National Show in order for a substitute leadsperson to be used.
PDCA Showmanship Evaluation Card
Links to Dairy Youth Opportunities
National Dairy Shrine Scholarships & Internship Directory
National DHIA Scholarship
Contests, Scholarships,
and Recognition Programs
AGYA Raffle Program
Every year, youth members sell raffle tickets from spring through the National Guernsey Convention to raise money for the Youth Fund. Tickets are $2 each or three for $5, and the winner is drawn at the National Convention Sale. The 2025 Youth Raffle prize will be a package of donated Guernsey embryos. Contact the office to receive a package of raffle tickets to start selling!
NEW: The Janice Keene Award for Youth Participation at National Convention
The Keene Award was established in 2024 with a donation from former Guernsey Breeders' Journal editor Janice Keene with a mission to aid a Guernsey youth in travelling to and participating in the National Guernsey Convention. The award of $500 will be presented to one youth applicant per year who also attends the National Convention and participates in youth activities. Entries due March 31
• Application Form (Microsoft Word)
National AGA Quiz Bowl
The National AGA Quiz Bowl contest is open to AGA Junior Members and is held at the AGA National Convention each year. This fun and competitive contest tests the dairy industry and Guernsey knowledge of AGA youth. There are Senior and Junior divisions. Teams are generally organized on the state level. Entries due April 30
• Application Form
• Application Form in MS Word Format
National AGA Youth Scholarship
The National AGA Youth Scholarship is awarded to one AGA Junior member each year at the National AGA Convention in June. The scholarship is in the amount of $750. Entries due March 31
The Schnebly Scholarship
The Schnebly Scholarship was established in 2010 by friends and family in memory of Seth and Genevieve Schnebly. One AGA Junior Member will be awarded a $500 scholarship. Entries due March 31
Turley Youth Scholarship
The Turley Youth Scholarship was established in 2002 with funds and donations generated from the syndicated sale of the young bull Penny Lane Royal Oak Turley. The scholarship honors the contributions of Ralph and Martha Turley to Guernsey youth and the Guernsey breed. Any AGA Junior member that has exhibited in a National Junior Guernsey show within the past three years is eligible to apply. Two $500 scholarships will be awarded.
Entries due March 31
Max Dawdy Scholarship
The Max L. Dawdy scholarship fund was started by Western Guernsey Sires, a cooperative of Guernsey breeders in the West dedicated to identifying and sampling superior Guernsey young sires. It was due to Max Dawdy’s efforts as Executive Secretary of the American Guernsey Cattle Club that the AGA Young Sire Program was initiated. Western Guernsey Sires was the first of four operational units that operate as Guernsey Gold Sires. It is to this man and his objectives that the scholarship is dedicated. One $750 scholarship will be awarded annually. No interview is required for this scholarship. Entries due March 31
National Outstanding Youth
The National Outstanding Youth Award is presented each year at the National Convention to a deserving Junior Member who has excelled in Guernsey activities as well as other aspects of their life. Entries due March 31
• Application Form in MS Word Format
National Junior Production & Breeder Awards
Several awards are presented annually at the AGA National Convention to Youth who own and/or have bred animals that have excelled for production. Individual cow awards are calculated automatically. Group of Three and Junior Gold Star applications must be submitted for consideration. Entries due March 31
• National Youth Production Contest - Group of Three Form
• Junior Gold Star Breeder Application Form
National Guernsey Queen Contest
The National Guernsey Queen and Princess represent the American Guernsey Association at various events throughout the year. They assist at the National Guernsey shows in the fall and act as ambassadors for the breed at other meetings and shows across the country. Entries due March 31
National Guernsey Queen Contest Application & Handbook
Enter all below youth contests online at this link! All entries due June 1st.
National Guernsey Public Speaking Contest
There are three age-group categories in the prepared Public Speaking contest and in the extemporaneous contest, which are held at the National Convention each year.
• Prepared Public Speaking Application
• Extemporaneous Public Speaking Application Form
Folding Display Contest
Present a topic on Guernseys or the dairy industry via poster board. Displays will be presented at the Annual Meeting, but contestants need not be present.
Visual Presentation Contest
Put your creativity to work preparing a video or other visual presentation that promotes Guernseys and the Dairy Industry!
Youth Photo Contest
Enter your favorite pictures of your Guernseys. These pictures may just go on to grace the cover of the Guernsey Breeders’ Journal. Participate in multiple categories and compete for Best in Show and People's Choice!
Youth Essay Contest
Write an essay pertaining to the themes presented. Contestants need NOT be present at the National Convention to enter.